Cllr Sandy Lay

Leeds City Council Liberal Democrat Councillor for Otley & Yeadon Learn more

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Reasons for 3 Days Worth of Major Delays & Chaos Likely Following Bridge St #Otley Closure

by Sandy on 24 March, 2015

I’ve now spoken to Yorkshire Water and Leeds City Council Highways to ascertain why Bridge St needs to close.

  • This is an emergency and Yorkshire Water (YW) are legally able to close the road without any notification.
    • Advance warning signs are being placed this evening and overnight.
    • YW & LCC are using radio, social media to attempt the forewarn and forearm residents
  • A main sewer has collapsed 3.5m down in the middle of Bridge St directly outside the Chip shop.
    • the broken sewer is at risk of flooding nearby homes and business’s with ‘foul water’.
    • because of the depth a large hole needs to be dug taking up most of the road. This stops any chance of traffic lights
  • Work will start at 9:30 Wednesday morning and continue for probably 3 days. YW are unable to know at this time whether work will progress quicker or slower as this depends on what is found once the hole is dug up.
  • The road and bridge will remain open to pedestrians in both directions.

The Diversions

  • The diversion is for northbound traffic will be down Pool Rd and over the bridge and across from Farnley Hall
    • Manor St is not suitable for buses, lorries and large vehicles therefore the diversion is as above
    • Cattlemarket St is not suitable width wise and for safety reasons to ‘turn two way’.
  • The route for southbound traffic will be a left turn at the chip shop and up North Parade
  • Traffic from Westgate will be diverted through Pool
  • Traffic from Leeds needing to cross the river should turn right at Dyneley Arms, down Pool Bank and over the bridge.

The Impact

  • Clearly the town will be severely affected and chaos is likely.
  • First buses have been notified and will, I am told, be using smaller buses
  • Yorkshire Ambulance, the Police and Wharfedale Hospital are all aware and making contingency plans
  • Letters are going home with students from PHGS today.



3 Responses

  1. Anita Howard says:

    Thank you. That is the clearest info so far.

  2. mandy clayton says:

    Just on the not wide enough for two way traffic I think if the double decker bus goes on there and car are also parked I think it would be fine and would be easier . But thank you sandy for keeping us informed

  3. phil greaves says:

    Agreed. Very clear – thank you.

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